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TD Mk Landscape problem generator

Documentation Pages

Problem Generator - A TD Mk Landscape benchmark generator

Main functionality:

The problem generator has various subcommands to switch between input modes: configuration_folder, codomain_folder, configuration_file, and codomain_file.

The file structure of the configuration, codomain, and (output) problem files is listed in file_structures.

The installation instructions are listed in installation.

Quick Start

Example output problem

An example output problem can be found in the data/ folder, if one only wishes to use an example output problem.


The quickest way to start is by using cargo install problem_generator if you already have Rust installed or downloading the executable from the Release page if you don’t. Create a new root directory, where we will store the codomain and problem folders in, and create a new configuration file to generate some problems:

mkdir example/problem_generation -p
vim example/problem_generation/deceptive_trap_separated.txt

Copy in the following contents:

M 1 4
k 5 6
o 0 1
b 1 2

Then enter problem_generator configuration_folder example to generate 1 problem per configuration, which can be found in the problems folder. The accompanying codomain values can be found in the codomain_files folder.


To use problem_generator in your project, you can simply add problem_generator into your cargo.toml:

problem_generator = "^0.3.0"

The library documentation can be found on